
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rolling in TP

120 rolls for $10!!!  That's .08 cents a roll!!!  Yahooo!!   Thank-you!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Staples and Starbucks!!

Thankful today, for free drinks at Starbucks, with great friends and buying $32.84 worth of goods at Staples for $27.84( $5 coupon of $30) and then sending in $30.45 worth of rebates for said I actually made $2.61!!!   Very Grateful!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Still have not beat our record!

Today was Free Slurpee day at 7 Eleven!   We did our Slurpee run and got to 4....we bumped into people that where on their 13th!!!  It's always fun!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It pays to join...

I get on average 3-4 pairs of  free undies a year ,just for signing up for VS's reward program!!!
If you have a favorite store or restaurant, join their membership's worth it!  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

You Scream, I Scream...we all scream for

Decide to make a simple vanilla: used two organic eggs, 1/2 cup organic cane sugar,  3 cups organic half and half and some organic vanilla.   Mixed them up in my kitchen aid...and plopped them in our 'new to us'  Donvier thrift store deal!  Lots of fun to make, stir a few times wait 3 minutes, stir a few more times...

in about 20 minutes it looked like this below.  I let it sit for a few more minutes than transferred it to plastic bowl to keep frozen till desert time. 

Here it is out of the freezer after several hours...being scooped up to make......

this very yummy dessert topped with local farm stand peaches!!!   OMGoodness this was so good!!

90% saving on Organic Olive Oil

Whoohoo!   Went to my favorite Candy Factory Store...and got a can of Nunez De Prado Certified Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil for $9.99 for a l Liter can.  And I was thinking wow this is a lot for me to spend on EVOO but  we prefer the richer tasting when I got home and checked online to see how much this cost regularly I was happily surprised to see Amazon was selling it for $99.99 a Liter!  Wow what a great deal!!!